- Description: There are many terms that are associated with Liposuction, this includes Lipoplasty or fat modeling, Liposculpture, or in shorter terms Lipo. Although, the terms Liposuction, Lipoplasty, and Liposculpture differ in some ways but still they entail fat removal. Liposuction, as what we commonly call it, is a cosmetic surgery operation that can remove fats from the different areas of the body. Most people who want to undergo Liposuction want to extract the fat away from the neck, abdomen, thighs, buttocks, back of the arms, and practically elsewhere where there are great fat deposits. Because of the popularity of Liposuction, many people especially those who find it difficult to manage their weights and body fats want to undergo Liposuction surgery. However, Liposuction is not accessible for everybody since the cost is not that affordable. Sometimes, there are several factors that can limit the amount of fat that can be removed in one session, thus fat removal may need several sessions - the more that it will become more costly.
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